Member Benefits
There are many benefits of membership in that KHBA such as:
The voice of the residential construction industry at the municipal level to ensure that issues affecting the industry are dealt with justly; these issues include items such as building permit fees, development charges and model home policy to name a few;
Credibility gained by affiliation with an established organization;
Exposure for your company (advertising, sponsorship opportunities and networking opportunities at several social events such as Dinner Meetings and Mixers;
Up-to-date information on matters involving the construction industry such as code changes and health and safety issues;
1 Website Directory Listing / 1 Directory Listing in our Printed Version f) 1 Prepaid Dinner, per Dinner Meeting for each of the 3 Regular Dinner Meetings
For $495.00 you receive:
1 listing in our KHBA Membership Directory
Each member of the KHBA receives a copy (200 copies)
Copies are given to walk-in consumers at the KHBA and at our events
1 listing in on the KHBA Website – Directory Listings
Your company name is listed on our KHBA Membership Banner
Banner is displayed at all of our major events
Complimentary Dinners
1 complimentary dinner per each of our dinner meetings
There are 3 dinner meetings per year – April, May and September
Attendances for our dinners are from 75 to 130
More and more consumers are looking for businesses that are a part of an organization. I receive calls in the office; walk-in and consumers are checking on line. Why are they contacting KHBA? They have been “burnt by a company” and they don’t want it to happen again. They are checking on a name of a company they are thinking of using. They are looking for someone who’s qualified and trustworthy.
Networking Opportunities
Other Events
4 Mixers at no cost – February, March, August and October
2 Golf Tournaments – registration required – July and September
1 Gala Event – The President’s Gala– reservations required – November
Committee Volunteering
There are many committees within the KHBA. People will do business with people they know – It’s a great way to build a friendship/work relationship while meeting other membership of the association.
Advertising Opportunities
Business Card and Full Page Interior Ads in our KHBA Membership Directory
Business Card Advertising in our KHBA Newsletter
Ad Space on the KHBA Website
Member Offers/Benefits
Petro-Canada (discounts)