Here’s some tips for how to deal with that.
Article from Toronto Star.Masks are here to stay, at least for the near future, but for all the important good they do in the fight against the spread of COVID-19, covering your face can also come with downsides.
The foggy glasses. The sore ears. Overheating in a heat wave. And what to do when you’re eating on those brand new patios? They’re the small drawbacks of protecting others by masking up when you can’t ensure two metres of physical distance.
Masks are not meant to feel natural, said Dr. Dasantila Golemi-Kotra, an associate professor of biology at York University. Any circumstance that calls for wearing a mask means being vigilant and careful in order to protect yourself and others.
“A face mask remains protective gear,” said Golemi-Kotra. “It is not meant to make us feel like we’re having a normal life, it is not normal.” Golemi-Kotra has experienced the dreaded foggy glasses.
Here are some ways to get more comfortable with your mask while staying safe.
Sore ears
Avoid using a mask with ear loops. Golemi-Kotra suggests a mask with long strips that can be tie behind the back of the head, and not just because it gives the ears a break.
“Those ensure a better fit because you can adjust according to your face size,” she said.
Alternatively, ear loops can be secured to something at the back of the head, like a paper clip. Some healthcare professionals sew buttons onto the sides of their scrubs caps as an alternative to ears. That could also be done with a ball cap or other head gear.
If your mask has to loop around your ears, Golemi-Kotra said putting vaseline on and around the ears should lessen any friction.
Foggy glasses
Foggy glasses occur when the air a person is exhaling is warmer than the air outside. When breath touches the lens, the moisture condenses. Foggy glasses shouldn’t be as big an issue through the summer as in the spring, said Golemi-Kotra.
In cooler temperatures, foggy glasses can be avoided by ensuring the mask fits snugly around the nose, so there is no air escaping out of the top.
“A mask should have a metal strip at the nose part to mask sure the mask fits around the nose,” said Golemi-Kotra. “Try to make an effort to mould the mask around the nose well.”
If that doesn’t work, sewing extra cloth around the part of the mask that sits on the nose could make it more secure.
While foggy glasses are less likely to occur in summer, overheating becomes a bigger concern.
“There is no real way around it,” Golemi-Kotra said. “It’s a mask. As you expel the air, it will prevent the air from coming out freely.”
Overheating is more likely to happen outside than in climate-controlled indoor areas. Golemi-Kotra said to avoid outdoor crowds as much as possible. She also suggests avoiding exercising in the heat.
“If you’re just outside and there aren’t many people around, don’t wear a mask,” she said. “As long as you maintain safe physical distance, there shouldn’t be any concern about getting infected.”
For those braving outdoor patios or munching on-the-go, storing the mask while eating is important.
“I’ve seen people putting (their mask) in their pockets or on the table. It just defeats the purpose,” said Golemi-Kotra, who said a mask can pick up or spread bacteria that way.
She suggests putting a mask between two sheets of paper towel and placing it in a Ziploc bag during a meal. After eating, wash or disinfect hands before putting the mask back on.
Hanging a mask off one ear or moving it down to the chin while eating, or any time, is also a no-no. Doing so can expose the eyes and nose to any virus or bacteria the mask might have been contaminated with, said Golemi-Kotra.
“A face mask, yes it’s used to protect others but you don’t want to become a contaminating agent for your own self by picking up other germs by not handling it properly.”